On an overcast day last week, I was fortunate to capture a touching private ceremony between two people who are very obviously in love. We didn’t need the sun because everything about the day was bright and beautiful.
I’ve known Jess for quite some time. I love her sense of humor, her athleticism (this girl “kills it” in my fitness classes) and her self-assured, low key nature. I have told her “you are some lucky guy’s perfect catch” but she would laugh it off, not wanting that attention on herself. Some time ago, I noticed a spark, an amazing glow about her and a sense of genuine happiness. I learned later about the amazing guy she was dating – Junie.
They decided to get married, but did not want a traditional wedding. She asked me to be the photographer on their wedding day, and told me that it would be a small, very intimate ceremony of just the two of them with the Justice of Peace (their friend Rachel). I was so touched and so HONORED. It’s moments like these that make me appreciate the role I have in capturing such happy memories like this. I have to say, it honestly gives me goosebumps.
We started the day by visiting Jess’s parents at their store. Then I stopped by Junie’s house to get a picture of him getting ready with his mom. Then back to Jess’s house where she toasted the day along with friends and to pick her and their beloved dog, Milo. Rachel, Jess and I met Junie at the ceremony location, but we didn’t let him see her until she walked up to where they would be exchanging vows.
Then it was just the two of them in their own moment. It was beautiful and sweet. I’ll never forget that after they exchanged rings and when Rachel announced you “can kiss the bride”, Junie said “thank God!” and pulled her in close and gave her a passionate kiss.
The rain was something we were dreading but it became such a fun part of the day. I put them under her umbrella and it’s one of my favorite shots to date!! We made sure to get some pictures of Milo too. After the ceremony, we toasted with a drink in town. It was a perfect day.
Typical of Jess, she wrote me later to thank me. She told me how happy she was about the day and said, “it was perfect. I wouldn’t change a single thing. I wouldn’t even have changed the rain.”
Thank you Junie and Jess – I wish you the best of all the years ahead have to offer.

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