Mark & Jonathan – to know you is to adore you! I know that I felt that way from our first meeting and that those involved in the details leading up to your day felt that way too.
Waking up the morning of your wedding, there was a certain excitement in the air. I had butterflies! After breakfast, I checked my phone and saw that Carolyn Valenti, Samantha Talora, Jamie Podworski and my assistant Lisa were buzzing about the day too. We had named ourselves “Team Kravitz” in the year that led up to this moment and now it was here!
On this summer solstice day, the beauty of this wedding went far beyond the stunning flowers and the meticulous details. There was such beauty in the feeling of JOY at this event. Expressions of joy overflowed from Jonathan & Mark’s friends and members of their synagogue (all of whom traveled from South Florida to attend), as well as from their parents and their children.
Mark & Jonathan’s ceremony was so touching, it was magical and the soft rain that was falling as their guests sat on the Cranwell terrace made it even more magical. Their Rabbi’s words were so personal and unforgettable. He said ” You never thought this kind of happiness was possible. Today the stars must be aligned and they are. Today the sun and moon are equal in the sky. You feel in love in so many ways, but in particular with the way you made each other feel whole. You cannot imagine being who you are without the man that stands beside you now. You are two halfs of the same person and together you are as one.”
Mark & Jonathan – I wish you all the happiness that you radiate out to the rest of us. Thank you for making me a part of such a special day.
VENUE – Cranwell Resort & Spa
COORDINATOR – Samantha Talora
FLORIST – Carolyn Valenti
CAKE ARTIST – Something Sweet by Michelle
VIDEOGRAPHER – JPod Productions
PHOTOGRAPHER – Tricia McCormack Photography
MUSICIANS – The Berkshire Trio
BAND – Night Rhythm
LIGHTING – MusiChris

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