This weekend I’ll photograph Brian and Rachel’s wedding when they marry at the elegant Wheatleigh Inn in Lenox, MA. In anticipation, I wanted to share the engagement photos taken in early May on a day trip to New York.
I have lived in NYC but can’t recall ever making the trip to visit Brooklyn—crazy, right? I even have roots there, since it is where my grandparents were from and married. So visting Brooklyn and seeing it through Rachel and Brian’s eyes was one of the best parts of this engagement session. The couple had actually lived as children on the same street near the Brooklyn Botanical Garden but didn’t officially meet until they were older. Rachel and Brian met each other on the street where they grew up and had a formal introduction. They went on a date and found themselves to be a perfect match. I totally agree!
I loved their stories about growing up in Brooklyn—the close proximity of friends and all the fun things they had access to. They lived in the big city, but being in Brooklyn felt like they were growing up in a small town.
They love the idea of getting married in a destination location like Lenox because everyone can get away for the weekend, relax, and celebrate. I know Wheatleigh will provide them with a beautiful spot for an intimate evening with their family and friends. I’m so glad I don’t have to wait long for their wedding day!

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