Happy St. Patricks Day! I definitely feel lucky. I have two careers that I run simultaneously – Fitness and Photography and when these two passions and professions of mine intersect I just love it.
In October, I read Mark Hyman, MD‘s book The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet and have been recommending it to class participants at TK-Fit ever since. Then in December I had the opportunity to photograph Mark for the cover of First for Women magazine, what a great opportunity to meet Mark in person. The issue featuring Dr. Hyman came out this month and is still out on the magazine shelves right now.
The experience with Dr. Hyman and his team continued into January when I was able to photograph a lecture and food demo given by the UltraWellness Center, located in Lenox which Dr. Hyman founded. I was thrilled to have TK-Fit members participate in the shoot by being their model audience. It was great to learn from Nutrionists, Maggie Ward and Holly Niles what are the most healing foods you can eat and how to prepare them. I was there to photograph those foods too, and all with people that I really enjoy spending time with!
I so highly recommend these lectures. The next one is March 26, from 6pm – 7:30pm at the UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. You can call 413.637.9991 to reserve your spot. I’ve included the brochure for you to see below.
For now, please enjoy these images that were created with much love! Here’s to a passionate, healthy, happy life!

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