I met Jenaye & Joe early in the morning on a clear and crisp fall day in October. The family of Andy, Joe’s best man, owns Riiska Brooke Orchards and so they had the idea that this would be a great place for their shoot. Perfect for fall and perfect because it had been a place Joe had come frequently when he was growing up. For me, the orchard was a new found gem in Berkshire County. It is a pristine, charming and beautiful place. I was in heaven shooting Jenaye and Joe there. I will definitely be returning to take my kids and husband for blueberry, apple or pumpkin picking! I hope to bring another couple for an engagement shoot too.
I loved Jenaye and Joe’s warmth right from the start. I really appreciated their joint interest in finding the right photographer for them. When we sat down together for the first time on May 5 ( I know the specific date because I served them Coronas for “Cinco de Mayo”) I knew that this was a very important decision to them. I was honored when they chose me as I know this is a very big decision for all my wedding couples. So when I saw them for the engagement session and Jenaye gave me a plate of delicious cookies that she and Joe had made – I had to smile…they like me enough to bake for me!!
Their wedding is in less than 6 months and I can’t wait to spend some more time with this awesome couple. Thank you for a great session and for introducing me to Riiska Brooke Orchards.

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