I am excited to share Melissa and Scott’s Boston engagement shoot today. The romantic and fun energy of these two is contagious. From the second I met them I felt excited about shooting their wedding, and I was really looking forward to getting to know them more at this session.
On an early September day, we met in the lobby of the Liberty Hotel. While it poured outside, we decided to stop for a drink before starting the session ad give the rain a chance to let up, we never entertained the idea that our session would be washed out. While we were chatting, Melissa and Scott told me the story of how they met, and it’s just as adorable as they are!
They shared the story about the night of a pub crawl they both attended where a mutual friend put a little bug in Scott’s ear that Melissa was single. She was wearing red pants that night and as she crossed the bar to buy a drink, Scott decided to yell out “Red Pants!!” She laughed and I can only imagine she beamed her 1000 watt smile and decided to buy him a drink too. As they both put it, they’ve been attached at the hip ever since!
Now can you imagine the course of history if she decided to wear less colorful pants?
After our cocktail and fun conversation, the weather cleared up enough to venture out. We took the opportunity to walk through the streets of Beacon Hill to capture some shots. My favorite shots are on a dock along the Charles while it was raining but the sun shone through. Luckily, Melissa and Scott didn’t mind, and were up for anything. I can’t wait for their wedding day this April back at the amazing, historical Liberty Hotel.

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