Linda and Barry’s wedding day was such a special occasion. As champions of the Berkshires, they were very excited to choose local vendors that they knew would make their day a success. From the elegant Mount, to jazzy tunes from the Lucky 5, to amazing florals from Daisy Stone Studios, everything was perfection. Their intimate ceremony was filled with so much love and joy. When you see the images of these two together it’s clear that their love is real and they make each other beam. I’m always honored to be asked to photograph someone’s special day, and the trust a couple puts in me to capture an intimate wedding feels that much more special. Thank you for sharing your day with us Linda and Barry!
VENUE – The Mount
FLORIST – Daisy Stone
CATERER – Savory Harvest
BAND – The Lucky 5
SUIT – Steven Valenti
GOWN – Dierdre’s
RINGS – Charland
HAIR – Lotus Salon
RENTALS – Classical Tent

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