The uniqueness, the emotion and the personal touches that Bridgette and Hedley put into their wedding blew me away. This hot summer day and the celebration created for this beautiful couple was one of the highlights of my entire summer. I am so excited to share these images with all those that adore them.
Bridgette and Hedley’s wedding was an incredible testament to the creative and loving people in their lives. Every detail was planned with a meaningful contribution from someone they cared about.
Their friends traveled from all over to help with set up and many of them grew and brought flowers that the couple arranged in antique bottles collected in Bridgette’s family barn. Woven Roots Farm which Bridgette works surprised the couple with buckets of flowers and coworkers prepped and trimmed them to make them perfect for this day.
These flowers were part of one of the most beautiful ceremony rituals I have ever witnessed. Each guest was given a flower and the group formed a long isle in the field where the vows would be made. Bridgette and Hedley walked in and took a flower from each guest in order to create each of their bridal bouquets. They felt like this would symbolize each person at their wedding had played a part in shaping who they had become. I watched as they looked each person in the eye and thanked them as they received the flower. It was so moving! Their brothers held the role of ring bearers and their parents shared poems aloud. The couple who introduced Bridgette & Hedley officiated the wedding and made it so special.
The party kicked off with memorable cocktails created with love by Bridgette’s friend and the delicious food was made by Hedley (who is a chef) together with her talented friends. For dessert, friends and family were asked to bring pies of every kind. Their friend Matt and Hedley’s brother kept people dancing all night on the outdoor dance floor even as the thunder rolled in and provided a refreshing respite from the heat.
This was a remarkable celebration for an exceptional couple. My love and congratulations to you both!

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