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One of the most remarkable things for me personally about working with Anna and Scott was the feeling of kindness and trust they had for us immediately. It made everything easier and gave us more room for creativity throughout the day. Knowing that other couples are looking to these blogs for wedding inspiration, I thought I would share a few things that they told me the day after their wedding.
Are you ready for some fun? You’ll smile when you look at these pictures from Julia’s and Brandon’s wedding day. There was lots of joy, great music by Andy Warba, Wanda Houston, Jay Shale, a highly anticipated walk down the aisle, an expertly performed first dance, a Crazefaze Crew dance routine and a traditional hora! Oh and I haven’t even mentioned, one of the best speeches I’ve heard.
Their wedding had the vibe of end of summer nostalgia best celebrated with your favorite people. To make their friends and family feel welcome, Lauren and Jason included a casual brunch the morning of their wedding with a garden party feel. To follow was a formal ceremony among wild flowers and a mountain backdrop and then an intimate dinner.
Lisa and I met Sam and Andrea in 2018 at her sister’s wedding. We were chatting with them in the photo booth and loved them instantly! We dropped the not so subtle hint that when they were to get engaged they should give us a call – we wanted to be the one to capture it. Three months later, I got that call! Sam had proposed to Andrea!
Liam and Elizabeth met at a going away party for a mutual friend in 2019. Little did they know, they would spend the next two years quarantining together in New York City. In that time they adopted a Bernedoodle named Louie, enjoyed many of Elizabeth’s home cooked meals, and spent almost everyday together.
Capturing the Duquette family’s recent session was a true delight. Family photos, especially during significant milestones like senior portraits, are more than just snapshots—they are investments in memories. As the Duquette family celebrated their high school seniors, we embraced the end of summer light and vibrant Berkshires’ scenery to create images that reflect both the […]
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So you have the honor of giving a speech? I love photographing this part of the day! I've heard hundreds of speeches - here are my tips for giving the best one.