As a photographer, I get to tell stories. I’m given the opportunity to show the emotion felt between people and to record family history. I feel honored to do this and it touches my heart to know people trust me with something so meaningful. When Sean and Sue asked me to capture a happy ending to their long emotional journey, I jumped at the chance. I think telling their story can bring hope to other families who are looking to adopt and so I asked Sue if she wouldn’t mind sharing some of their story. Even more, I love posting this right before Valentine’s day because as you read below it marks an extra special anniversary to their family.
“When Sean and I met back in 2003 it was love at first sight; in fact I told him very early on in our budding relationship I knew we’d be married someday (thank goodness that didn’t scare him off!). Like many young married couples, we were excited to start a family and dreamed about the blissful chaos that would come with a house full of kids. Unfortunately (or what seemed like unfortunate at the time) we encountered a few bumps along that path to baby bliss, and after several rounds of infertility procedures, that dream of parenthood seemed out of reach. After the fifth procedure, Sean turned to me and said “We don’t have to endure this. There’s something really beautiful about people who need one another finding each other. Let’s go find our perfect little person!”. Our path had been set to create our family through the gift of adoption, and off we went.
After a long 3 year wait, we got the call we had hoped and prayed for: the one that said “We have a birth couple who has seen your profile and they think you’re the absolute perfect match for their baby”! We were elated and scared all at the same time. Over the course of our 5 month match, we spoke with the birthparents and found we had a lot in common, and really came to appreciate the love and the sacrifice that goes into this process. Their hopes and dreams were similar to ours – everyone wanting the best life possible for this little boy. We were just the lucky ones who were chosen for this honor. We got a call in the early morning hours of February 6th our little guy was on his way, hopped the first plane to Missouri and rushed to meet him. He experienced a few challenges during the birth process, and needed some TLC in the N.I.C.U for a few weeks but got stronger and stronger every day. On February 14th we appeared before the courts with a petition to adopt Dylan. There was no better way to celebrate a day about love than to promise to be this baby’s parents for the rest of his life. Valentine’s Day will always have a special meaning in our home, because that’s what this process is all about: love.
Dylan’s adoption was finalized in August of 2013. To celebrate we took our first family photos together. Prior to this we had avoided any formal, larger family photo session requests because we just felt like we weren’t fully represented yet. To us, photos make the statement: this is who we are. And when Dylan came along we finally were able to say it very proudly: This is who we are, and we are family. Thank you, Tricia McCormack Photography, for these precious memories!”
Happy LOVE Day Sue, Sean and Dylan!! Thank you so much for inspiring us and bringing hope with your story.

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